Integrating with Google IoT Core



Setting Up Google IoT Core To Work With KotahiNet

Google’s Cloud IoT Core is a fully managed service to easily and securely connect, manage, and ingest data from globally dispersed devices. More details in their documentation.

1. Log in to the Google Cloud Platform (Google Cloud Platform account required).

2. You might have an existing project, or you will need to create a new project. Note the Project ID.

3. Navigate to the IoT Core service, on the bottom of the Products & Services panel.

4. A page called IoT Core | Device Registries should open up. Click on the link Create device registry.

5. Pick a Registry ID, and note it.

6. Select a cloud region and note it (e.g. europe-west1).

7. Enable both MQTT and HTTP protocols

8. Create a new telemetry topic or select an existing one.

9. Do not add any CA certificates

10. Click the Create button to create the new device registry. You should be automatically navigated to the Registry details screen.

11. Click the Add device button.

12. Select one of your existing devices registered with KotahiNet and use its Device EUI as the Device ID. Please make sure you to use only capital letters, without any delimiters.

13. In Authentication, select the ES256 key. Follow the guide and generate an ES256 key pair.

14. Copy the contents of the ec_public.pem file to the Public key value on the IoT Core platform.
Note the contents of the ec_private.pem file to be used as the Private key field.

15. Click the Add button to create the device in the registry on the IoT Core platform.

16. Use the selected Telemetry Pub/Sub topic to retrieve your device data. We will also update the device state information, which you can follow in the device details in the IoT Core service.

17. Send the noted setup parameters to KotahiNet- Project ID, Registry ID, Region, and Private Key.