Integrating with IBM Bluemix IoT Foundation

The IBM Internet of Things service lets your apps communicate with and consume data collected by your connected devices, sensors, and gateways. The IBM IoT recipes make it super easy to get devices connected to our Internet of Things cloud. Your apps can then use The IBM IoT real-time and REST APIs to communicate with your devices and consume the data you’ve set them up to collect.

Watson IoT Platform guide

Using Bluexmix IoT Foundation With KotahiNet

We are publishing your LoRaWAN data as a stringified JSON object into the default structure of the MQTT topic. Follow this guide to connect your application to the Bluemix IoT service using the MQTT protocol.

We use the following mapping in the topic setup:

device_type is the AppID as 8 hex digits.
device_id, we fill in the DevEUI as 16 hex digits.
event_id, we fill in the LoRaWAN port as a decimal number

For example, a message on port 1 from DevEUI 00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77 and AppID AABBCCDD will be published to topic





Setting Up Bluexmix IoT Foundation To Work With KotahiNet

  1. Log in to your IBM Bluemix account (or create one).
  2. Add the Internet of Things service to your namespace.
  3. Click on the new service and follow the ‘Launch dashboard’ link on the page.
  4. From the top of the page, note the Organization ID.
  5. Go to the Access menu and add a new API Key to your IoT Foundation organization. Note the ‘API Key’ and ‘Authentication Token’ fields from the screen.
  6. Add a device with the Device ID set to your Device’s EUI and device type set to the Application ID provided by KotahiNet.
  7. Repeat the previous step for every device in your KotahiNet account.
  8. Send the three noted values- Organization ID, API Key, and Authentication Token- to KotahiNet for enabling the integration on the LoRaWAN network side.
  9. All your devices’ data will now be delivered to your IoT Foundation account. Port will be used as the event type, standard JSON data format will be used for the content of the message.